How about a one-pot meatless dinner? Use two different functions on your Instant Pot® to create a colorful, tasty, low-carb dinner. Tip: To help your...
Spaghetti squash is an excellent healthy alternative to standard pastas, and is flavorful enough to stand on its own without a heavy sauce. Top with a...
Spaghetti squash is an excellent healthy alternative to standard pastas, and is flavorful enough to stand on its own without a heavy sauce. Top with a...
The flesh of spaghetti squash comes out in long strands, very much resembling the noodles for which it is named. In this recipe, the 'noodles' are tossed...
Spaghetti squash is an excellent healthy alternative to standard pastas, and is flavorful enough to stand on its own without a heavy sauce. Top with a...
Spaghetti squash is an excellent healthy alternative to standard pastas, and is flavorful enough to stand on its own without a heavy sauce. Top with a...
Spaghetti squash is an excellent healthy alternative to standard pastas, and is flavorful enough to stand on its own without a heavy sauce. Top with a...
Spaghetti squash is an excellent healthy alternative to standard pastas, and is flavorful enough to stand on its own without a heavy sauce. Top with a...
A nice twist to an Italian casserole. This is one of those meals I made with the ingredients I had on hand. My family loved it and had me make more. I...
Spaghetti squash served with a creamy pumpkin sauce made with Greek yogurt. Can be made with non-fat Greek yogurt and reduced-fat cheese for a lighter...